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Chris Reining
Ask Chris
How Would You React
When to Change Your Investing Strategy
Taking Big Dumb Risks
Make Money Decisions Like You’re 70
Find Balance for a Satisfying Life
The Art of Investing
Why Discipline Is Freedom
Benjamin Franklin’s Timeless Money Advice
Don’t Set Goals
Stop Adding and Start Subtracting
Making Your Own Stock Dividends
Investing Now to Harvest Later
Quitting Noise to Prosper
To Gain Money, Lose Money
Constraints Breed Riches
Don’t Be Smart With Money
The Joy of Enough
You May Need to Save Only Half as Much Money for Retirement
Beware the Advice of the Rich
The Perfect Time to Invest
Things Now, or Time Later
5 Thoughts on Financial Freedom (My 3-Year Update)
Why Pros Can’t Beat the Market, but You Can
How Not to Invest $100,000
Risk Gets the Rewards
Investing the Old-Fashioned Way with Warren Buffett
Here’s Why the Stock Market Goes up Every Year
The Enormous Price You Pay for Having an Emergency Fund
Why Investing in Things Producing Things Produces Financial Freedom
The One Question Successful Investors Always Ask Themselves
30 Hard-Learned Money and Life Lessons
The Market Is Scary but Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared
An Experiment Generating Passive Income with Real Estate
Getting Rich Can Be Boiled down into 2 Rules
What Everyone Forgets About Money
Should I pay off my mortgage early or invest?
How much should I put into risky investments?
The 4% Retirement Rule: Why You Can Plan but Not Predict
The Market Herd Is Human Nature
Where do I invest after maxing out retirement accounts?
How to Deal with Haters and Critics
Rules to Counter the Market Crash
Should I invest in stocks or real estate?
Is it risky borrowing money to invest?
5 Investments That Made Me a Millionaire
Getting to Happy: How Much I’m Spending in Early Retirement
I’m financially independent, now what?
Review: Using Motley Fool Stock Advisor to Beat the Market
Why There’s No Best Way to Invest
How do I spend down my retirement money?
How Building One Little Habit Can Net You Half a Million
How to Start Something New: 3 Lessons After 6 Years
Can regular people with regular boring jobs retire early too?
Why I’m Not Paying off My $100,000 Mortgage
Retiring Early Has Nothing to Do with Doing Nothing
Should I invest in bitcoin?
3 Simple Portfolios: How Investing like a Minimalist Can Maximize Your Results
Should I stop using retirement accounts if I’m planning to retire early?
How to Squeeze the Most Happiness from Your Money
How do I convince my partner we can retire early?
To Be Rich Be Unpopular
Can we retire in our 40s?
When to Sell: Anatomy of 10 Failed Investments
How do I start saving to retire early?
Do What You Hate to Do What You Love
Challenge: Save $1,000 in Just 3 Days
How do I handle the peer pressure to spend money?
This Is How Much You Really Need to Be Financially Independent
Should I pay off debt or invest?
Everything Top Performers Know About Getting a Promotion
Enough with Robo-Advisors Already
Is my house a bad investment?
The Salary Negotiation Mistake Costing You Money
The Secret to Financial Independence. In One Sentence.
How do I get a job after a career break?
Morgan Housel on What You Need to Know to Be a Successful Investor
Why a $35,000 Wedding Is a Dumb Idea
What should I invest in?
How to Use Your Resume to Get the Job
9 Little Ways to Be Better with Your Money
How do I actually stick to a plan?
5 Investing Rules from Building a 7-Figure Portfolio
Should I invest in gold right now?
Quit Saving Your Money
Financial freedom seems impossible, where do I start?
It’s the Small Changes That Make You Rich
Should I use Betterment or Vanguard?
9 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year
If You’re Cheap It’s Costing You More
When should I quit my job to be an entrepreneur?
How can I help my friend who is bad with money?
How to Reset Your Life with 10 Days of Silent Meditation
Retiring at 37 Is Hard
Should I invest money I need in the next few years?
The Mistake People Make When Investing
I’m starting my 20s, what should I focus on?
Start with $100
Is starting a business the fastest path to financial freedom?
The One Tiny Habit That Leads to Wealth
How should I invest a lump sum?
How to Get the Raise You Deserve
What’s the best investment?
Is my financial adviser ripping me off?
Interview with Saul Rosenthal: How He Makes a Living off Stocks
5 Quick Money Tips for Millennials to Become Millionaires
How do I earn passive income?
3 Ways to Survive a Market Crash
As an entrepreneur, how do I manage my money (and make more of it)?
How do I get rich?
What You Need to Know About Investing to Become Wealthy
Where should my money go?
How do I deal with FOMO?
Screw College
If You Work Your Whole Life, You’re Doing It Wrong
Find a Mentor to Get Ahead in Your Career
How Unicorns Helped Me Beat the Market
Interview with Tom Engle: Investing Legend
Here Is the Ultimate Method to Reverse Lifestyle Inflation and Regain Control of Your Money
Why the Rich Use Capsule Wardrobes, and How to Create Your Own
3 Tools to Track Your Spending Now
The American Dream Is a Financial Nightmare
Becoming a Millionaire Is a Letdown
7 Lessons about Money and Life
Why 3 Celebrities Chose Freedom over Money
Make Your Future Self Priority #1
3 Ways to Hack Your Financial Happiness
Don’t Work Until You Die: How to Retire in 15 Years
Warren Buffett’s Free Investing Advice for YOU
How To Get Sh!t Done: 5 Techniques to Implement Today
The Awesome Power of Saying No: Use It!
Why Wall Street Lies and How You Can Defend Yourself
Get What You Want: The 3 Keys to Being Authentic
Fear: how to face it, conquer it & find freedom.
A System for Automating Your Personal Finances
Using Google Spreadsheet to Track a Stock Portfolio
Making The Case For Higher Pay – Why 3% Raises Suck
How I Turned $4,500 into $1,000,000
Being a Parent, a Financial Decision?
Using History Lessons to Create Wealth
3 Reasons Not To Invest In An Index Fund